Principal’s Message

phil a. mato

Welcome to Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 Center: Where our Panthers Soar!

It is with great pleasure that I extend my warmest welcome to you all to our esteemed institution, Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 Center. I am honored to serve as the Principal and be a part of this incredible journey of academic growth and excellence.

At Dr. Rolando Espinosa, our theme is SOAR.  This theme captures the spirit of our educational philosophy, where we encourage every student to embrace challenges, overcome obstacles, achieve their dreams, and rise to new heights of success. We firmly believe that with determination, hard work, and a supportive community, every student has the potential to soar beyond their imagination.

Our commitment to high expectations and academic excellence sets the foundation for a rich and rewarding educational experience. We are dedicated to providing a nurturing environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a love for lifelong learning. Our passionate and dedicated faculty members are here to guide, inspire, and empower our students to become well-rounded individuals who are prepared to excel in a rapidly changing world.

I invite you to join us in embracing the #DREsoar spirit. Let us work together to support our students in reaching their full potential and achieving their dreams. With your involvement, enthusiasm, and unwavering support, we can create an environment where each student not only meets but exceeds their highest aspirations.

Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of educating and nurturing your children. Let’s SOAR, DRE!


Mr. Phil A. Mato
Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 Center